Press Release LensBodies Eurus2C & Eurus4 1/10th off-road bodies janvier 21, 2025 by Chris Laisser un commentaire Shopping! Wartelle Shop Shopping! Donuts Racing Shopping! Aigoin Racing The following press release is from LensBodies: We are very happy to introduce our 1:10 off-road bodies Eurus2C and Eurus4. Both of our bodies arrives as clear polycarbonate with a protective film and is available in standard, light and ultra light tickness. We were able to test the bodies mostly in US and Europe with some the best drivers in the industry. The products are designed and Made in Italy in our headquarter. EURUS2C is developed to be used on Carpet, Astro and dirt high grip surface.Fits on: Team Associated, Schumacher, SWORKz, XRAY, Serpent, Yokomo. EURUS4 is developed to be used on Carpet, Astro and on dirt Low and high grip surface.Fits on: Team Associated, Schumacher, SWORKz, XRAY, Serpent, Yokomo. See: LensBodies PartagezTweetez0 PartagesAbout ChrisFounder of, journalist & photographer in the RC world for several years, Chris is passionate about RC, racing and technique. Whether in France or in the world, he is trying to bring high-quality information and photos for enthusiasts... and make you want to join the world of RC!