Switzerland, Europe Jeremy Pittet wins rain-affected Swiss 1/8th nitro buggy Nats Rd2 juin 4, 2024 by Chris Laisser un commentaire The second round of the Swiss 1/8th nitro buggy national championship was held at NMBC. track located in Neuchâtel this past weekend. The Neuchâtel Mini Buggy Club has done a great job on the track, with an incredible track surface. With the weather forecast turning nasty, the race will be decided in Saturday’s qualifying rounds. As expected, the bad weather played havoc with the results of Saturday’s qualifying rounds. With two TQs out of four legs, it was Jeremy Pittet (Kyosho/Corsatec/6MIK) who came out on top. Florent Auderset (Team Associated/Ruddog/Runnertime/Matrix) came in second while Patrick Hofer (Team Losi Racing/Ruddog Distribution/6MIK Racing) rounded out the top 3. Source: Jeremy Pittet PartagezTweetez0 PartagesAbout ChrisFounder of circusrc.com, journalist & photographer in the RC world for several years, Chris is passionate about RC, racing and technique. Whether in France or in the world, he is trying to bring high-quality information and photos for enthusiasts... and make you want to join the world of RC!