France, Europe 2024 EFRA 1/8th E-buggy European championship – João Figueiredo secures TQ in Q3 juin 8, 2024 by Chris Laisser un commentaire João Figueiredo secures the TQ in the 3rd qualifying round of the European E-buggy Championship, putting an end to the supremacy of Davide Ongaro, the fastest driver since the start of the event. João set a 9-lap time of 5:13.375 and Davide, 2nd overall in the leg, a 9-lap in 5:13.648. Close, very close! The third fastest man was Juan Carlos Canas, who set a 5:15.018. Overall, the drivers’ speeds were fairly close, the difference being mainly in the number of mistakes they made per run. On the other hand, some of the drivers who usually shine were in difficulty, such as Bruno Coelho and the Kilic brothers. All results are available here.Click here for HD photo gallery. PartagezTweetez0 PartagesAbout ChrisFounder of, journalist & photographer in the RC world for several years, Chris is passionate about RC, racing and technique. Whether in France or in the world, he is trying to bring high-quality information and photos for enthusiasts... and make you want to join the world of RC!