Announcements IFMAR announce Redovan to host 2024 worlds mars 29, 2024 by Chris Laisser un commentaire Don’t take this announcement as an April Fool’s joke: IFMAR has officially announced that RC-Redován will host the 1/8th off-road world championship. Forget the idea of the event being hosted by a South American club, and head for Europe. Although it seems quite amazing that so few clubs meet IFMAR’s requirements, it seems that it’s the fairly short 5-month deadline that’s decisive. Thanks to the Baldo family for saving the event! Here is the IFMAR statement: Changing a race venue is always a difficult task. The country that loses the event is not happy and the new organizer may be happy but needs to do a lot of work in a very short time. Due to the cancellation of the event in Brazil the IFMAR board of directors (BOD) have discussed the possibilities. Famar has submitted a few replacement venues but the “BOD” has made the decision that the event will return to the EFRA bloc, like the rules indicate. After-all this class is the biggest one within IFMAR together with electric off-road, so it deserves a good and experienced organizer, especially if there is only about 5 months to go. After speaking to EFRA, they decided to appoint REDOVAN, the organizer of the last WC event in 2022 to organize the 2024 IFMAR 1/8th Off-Road World championship. There is hardly 5 months to go but we think Redovan will do an excellent job, like they did in 2022. Thanks to all those clubs that have send in proposals either thru FAMAR or social media. Dates will remain the same. They can supply fuel with 25%, like they did in 2022. They will design and build a completely new track design for September. See you ALL in Spain in September. Source: IFMAR PartagezTweetez0 PartagesAbout ChrisFounder of, journalist & photographer in the RC world for several years, Chris is passionate about RC, racing and technique. Whether in France or in the world, he is trying to bring high-quality information and photos for enthusiasts... and make you want to join the world of RC!