Spain Davide Ongaro is 2022 world 1/8th nitro buggy champion septembre 13, 2022 by Chris Laisser un commentaire It took almost 30 years for a driver to add a second nitro buggy world championship title to his record of achievements. The first driver to have achieved this feat is Maurizio Monesi. He won the world championship in 1988 after finishing 2nd in the first world championship to be held, and he was able to repeat the performance in 1994. Since then and despite the talent of the various world champions, it seemed impossible to add another title, one world champion chasing another. Who was going to succeed in this feat? Another Italian driver, Davide Ongaro. Davide will make history by becoming world champion for the second time, but by winning one after the other, his feat will certainly be even more difficult to surpass! Davide will enter the event as one of the favorites for the title, as will David Ronneflak, Juan Carlos Canas, Dakotah Phend, Ryan Maifield, Bruno Coelho, and Ty Tessmann to name a few. The pressure is enormous but Davide will pass each stage with flying colors. The practices, usually not necessarily to his advantage, will see him finish in 2nd position behind Marco Baruffolo, which says a lot about his speed and his preparation. He stunned the field on the first day of qualifying by winning 2 of the 3 rounds. He is now well positioned to take the overall TQ! The next day will be more challenging but by finishing in 2nd spot in the 4th and 5th heats and then winning the TQ in the last he adds a little more pressure on his shoulders. Davide continues to build on his momentum and wins the fastest semi-final. He crossed the line with a 15s lead over the winner of the B semi-final, Ty Tessmann. The hardest part is still to come but the Italian rider impresses as much by his self-control as his speed. All the favorites are in the final and anything can happen. There are still a few unknowns, such as tire wear, which is the subject of much conversation. The tires will have made the buzz during the competition since many drivers have broken their contracts to change brand. Shocking… The one hour final begins and already at the first turn Juan Carlos gets closer to Davide! Davide manages to keep the lead and in his unique style he starts to widen the gap. It soon becomes clear that he has to set a high pace, as his fuel consumption is not as low as that of some of his fellow competitors. Davide managed to keep the lead until the 45th minute when the 2016 world champion, David Ronnefalk, succeeded in taking the lead. David started in 11th position and the combination of his Corsatec engine offering excellent fuel efficiency, the use of Hot Race Clay rubber tires and his driving put him in a spot that no one had expected before the final. Tiredness and a more difficult car to drive will not allow David to keep up with Davide who does not seem to be weakening! Finally, Davide crossed the line with a one-lap lead over David, while Juan Carlos had to settle for 3rd place after a solid race. Click here to have a look at Davide’s Team Associated RC8B4 Pit/Bits. This is the end of one of the most beautiful world championships I have ever been to cover. I would like to thank all the sponsors who support and I look forward to seeing you in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2 years. Photo gallery PartagezTweetez0 PartagesAbout ChrisFounder of, journalist & photographer in the RC world for several years, Chris is passionate about RC, racing and technique. Whether in France or in the world, he is trying to bring high-quality information and photos for enthusiasts... and make you want to join the world of RC!